

Sadly, we’ve all heard of the passing of the unequalled, widely respected and admired Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Her reputation and accomplishments are those of a unique citizen and superb human being who shall forever maintain the admiration of all who knew her personally, professionally or through her accomplishments. A true example of a great American.

Yet another false statement from the White House resident regarding the virus. “It doesn’t really affect anyone below the age of 18”. In truth more than 400,000 have been infected. We’ve got to wonder who besides the MAGA hat crowd buys this sort of baloney.

Speaking of the “inspiration” for the MAGA hat, he endorsed violence against journalists during a Pennsylvania campaign rally this week making fun of a reporter injured during racial injustice demonstrations calling it “a beautiful sight”. The lies and crudeness that continues to flow from the current Oval Office has set a sorry record for that formerly respected location.

Seems the ever red tied chief exec made his way to the Supreme Court building this week and paid his respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg while meantime ignoring her “Most fervent wish that she not be replaced .until a new president is installed”. Trump has made it clear he will not honor that wish as he plunges ahead seeking another conservative Court member. Many of the mourners shouted “vote him out” and “honor her wish”.

Changes for the better: Uncle Ben’s rice products now bear the label of “Ben’s Original”, the latest food product to toss a formerly racist imagery. Mars also bagged the image of the white haired black man that was shown on its food boxes Quaker Oats in the meantime has removed the Aunt Jemima image from syrup and pancake packages as the maker of Eskimo Pie ice cream bars announced it would change the “derogatory brand name”. The maker of Cream of Wheat is also reviewing the image of a black chef that’s used on its boxes. .

As so many of us ask these days, “Why is Trump forever insulting or condemning someone or something”?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she thinks Joe Biden should not take part in any debates with Donald Trump. She reasons, “Why bother? Trump doesn’t tell the truth”.




Administration lawyer and frequent misspoken administration rep Rudy Giuliani has claimed that he wasn’t aware that one of his primary sources in his Joe Biden smear campaign was a Soviet spy interfering in the upcoming presidential election, He didn’t explain how he had missed all the obvious signs that Andri Derlach was a Russian operative.  Add yet another lie to the pile that continues to swell on the White House lawn.

Senator Lindsay Graham is quoted as saying “It’s been 72 hours since I released 11 years of state and federal tax returns and challenge my opponent, Harrison Jaime, to do the same. What is he hiding”? The senator may want to ask his boss the same thing.

Carl Bernstein, the other half of the Woodward/Bernstein duo that brought down Richard Nixon, had this comment on the current office holder following Trump’s latest indoor rally in Nevada which featured few mask wearers, closely seated, “We are witnessing a homicidal president convening, purposely , a homicidal assembly to help him get elected as President of the United States instead of protesting the health and welfare of the people of the United States, including his own supporters, whose lives he’s willing to sacrifice”.

By the way, the Oval Officer’s solution to the California wild fire crisis is “It’ll start to get cooler”.

Caught the season premiere of “Dancing with The Stars”. New host Tyra Banks did little to make viewers forget Tom Bergeron, producing over enthusiastic babble and general inane commentary. What did strike me was, of course, the lack of a studio audience and the distance separation of the judges while we watched the dancing couples in close proximity obviously ignoring the pandemic’s rule of personal space. Why even present such tv fare when other shows are adhering to the separation requirements. This lackluster presentation should have been delayed until such time as we return to a greater degree of normalcy.The current “Dancing” is not only lackluster but dangerous to the participants.

Surprise, surprise, the Trump campaign again has carelessly used stock photos. Seems his fundraising committee ran an ad denoting the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks stating “Support Our Troops”. It featured soldiers in silhouette with aircraft following. Problem was the aircraft were Russian.

What a surprise...the Baron of Blame is pointing the finger at Joe Biden claiming that the former Vice President should have issued a mandate that made it necessary for everyone in the country to wear face masks. Actually, only Trump can issue such a mandate  Joe Biden doesn’t occupy that office...yet.

Anyone in the current administration able to point out the difference between “Herd Immunity” and “Herd Mentality”?  Apparently your boss doesn’t.



The red tied one and his staffers need to research a topic before making their usual unfounded lies and accusations. Seems one of Trump’s misguided staffers, Francis Brennan, made fun of Joe Biden’s “meandering” through a cemetery.  Actually, the former Vice President was visiting the graves of his late son, Beau Biden, and his first wife, Neilia Biden, and daughter, Naomi Biden. Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015; Neilia and Naomi Biden were killed in a car accident in 1972. The staffers and their boss need to seek something they’re often unfamiliar with, the truth, before pointing accusatory fingers. By the way, Biden’s solemn graveside visits were in stark contrast to Trump spending his weekend on yet another golf course.

Apparently, the Trump views of the military have been apparent well before his recent references as “losers” and suckers” His track record of derogatory military references is rather extensive regarding veterans and military service members. This from a person whose total of five deferments from service in our armed forces says volumes.

These face masks we’re donning these days are not only potential life savers but in some cases billboards. Check these out:  “Happy Labor Day. Need Job”, “I’m actually smiling”, A picture of a shark’s mouth and fangs, “Just married”, “Don’t stand so close”. “Under here, George Clooney”

A “very well said” to Jennifer Garner who posted this on Instagram. “ Thank you for the gifts and lessons of this summer. God bless teachers, faculty and administrators as they guide us through this big question mark of a school year. Bless the parents trying to make it all work. And the children who are learning to make the best of things in ways we couldn’t have predicted.”

Christian Tybring is described as “a far right Norwegian law maker”. He’s mentioned here as a person who has nominated Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. We owe Mr. Tybring a debt of thanks. He’s given the rest of the world something to laugh at.

Quote of the week comes from George Conway, husband of the soon to depart the White House Kellyanne, “He actually believes some of this insanity that comes out of his mouth”. Pointing to the Trump head George said,“There’s nothing up here that represents any version of reality or sensible thought.”

If any of the current administration press secretaries are asked to describe their job in four words, they should be “Lie for a while”.





A recent Atlantic report reveals that the Oval Officer in 2018 told his staff that he was cancelling a trip to a World War I graveyard in Belleau, France commenting, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers”.  During that same trip he called those killed in the war”suckers”. Although Trump denied the Atlantic report it was confirmed by the Associated Press.

On Monday, Trump claimed “shadow” people were controlling former Vice President Joe Biden. He said the city of Portland, Oregon had been burning for decades (untrue). And he made unsubstantiated claims about airplanes “completely loaded with thugs” wearing dark uniforms and flying to disrupt the Republican National Convention. 

In the sequel chat, Trump continued his attacks on Biden, but with a twist. In the past, he has repeatedly ― and without evidence ― claimed that Biden was “mentally shot.” Now, however, Trump claims Biden has a souped-up brain from some kind of drug.  

What’s wrong with this picture? A cop shoots an unarmed Jacob Blake in the back seven times leaving him paralyzed. Thus far the cop hasn’t been charged. 

White House press mouthpiece Kayleigh McEnany affirmed that the Oval Officer will not comment on teenager Kyle Rittenhouse’s fatal shooting of two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Meantime, Rittenhouse has been charged with homicide by shooting two of three demonstrators who were protesting police brutality in the shooting of Jacob Blake.

Joanne Rogers is the widow of the great Fred Rogers. She recently stated that Fred never commented on political persons and their statements because of his “Neighborhood” dedicated to children. As she has no such audience she had a few comments regarding the current White House resident. “I think Mr. Trump seldom tells the truth,” she said. “If he does, it’s just a fluke, I think. But the fact [is] that I can’t believe anything he says, not even the simplest thing.”

The home team Red Sox seem bent on worsening their already tenuous position in the American League standings. A few days ago they traded first baseman Mitch Moreland, who’s having a fine season, for two minor leaguers. Now the Beantown “brain trust” has peddled their right fielder Kevin Pilar. Of course, we know they let their premier outfielder    Mookie Best, go to the Dodgers. Hey, while you clowns are bent on putting a minor league roster in Fenway park why not send your current top player, Xander Bogaerts, to the wind as well. Meantime, one of the chief reasons for my tuning into Sox’ baseball, Andrew Benintendi, is missing with a severe right rib cage strain. He hasn’t been able to play for much of this abbreviated season and it seems as though we won’t see him patrolling left field for the remainder of the scheduled games. Shame..





Night number three of the Republican yawner was totally absent regarding my viewing. Pence was to be a featured speaker and his lips firmly attached to Trump’s butt would have been too much to endure. What I have gleaned from the initial two nights of occasional convention viewing is that because he is trailing in the polls the Trump campaign is portraying Biden as “deep in corruption” by using false allegations. They’re attempting to accuse the former Vice President of having used his office to better himself and family, something the current administration has been doing for the past three and a half years. 

Ex San Francisco Giant Aubrey Huff needs to be deemed an idiot. His praising of Kyle Rittenhouse for killing two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week is unconscionable. Huff called the killer “a national treasure”. This bozo heretofore should to be ignored and regarded as a total sub human.

These names apparently garnered featured stories in one of New York’s leading dailies this week, Dachel Uchtel, Nene Neakes and Bella Thorne. I don’t exactly feel as though the world is passing me by. Who the hell are these so called celebs....and who cares?

Did anyone give any thought to pressing the wrinkles from the ten American flags which served as a background for the National Republican Convention speakers?

An expected, a low light of the convention occurred on Thursday when the “fabled” Rudy Giuliani appeared and managed to smear the Black Lives Matter movement. His remarks condemned the racial justice protests by claiming they were aimed at undermining Trump administration policies. Now that he’s been once again set free to spread his nonsense may the powers that be return him to the obscurity in which he’s been deservedly housed recently.

The Trump use of the White House as a political vehicle was deemed both unethical and illegal. He spoke to a crowd on the South Lawn as he accepted his party’s nomination at the Republican National Convention, one of several purely political events done on government property lately. Walter Shaub, former White House ethics chief, who served six months under the present administration and six under President Barack Obama said “This abomination may be the most visable misuse of official position for private gain in America’s history”..

Further proof of Trump’s “unusual” methods, he’s continued owning and profiting from his businesses while in the Oval Office. He’s promoted his own properties as commander in chief by traveling to them resulting in expenses which taxpayers are shelling out for plus the resultant valuable widespread publicity they receive.


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