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The red tied one and his staffers need to research a topic before making their usual unfounded lies and accusations. Seems one of Trump’s misguided staffers, Francis Brennan, made fun of Joe Biden’s “meandering” through a cemetery.  Actually, the former Vice President was visiting the graves of his late son, Beau Biden, and his first wife, Neilia Biden, and daughter, Naomi Biden. Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015; Neilia and Naomi Biden were killed in a car accident in 1972. The staffers and their boss need to seek something they’re often unfamiliar with, the truth, before pointing accusatory fingers. By the way, Biden’s solemn graveside visits were in stark contrast to Trump spending his weekend on yet another golf course.

Apparently, the Trump views of the military have been apparent well before his recent references as “losers” and suckers” His track record of derogatory military references is rather extensive regarding veterans and military service members. This from a person whose total of five deferments from service in our armed forces says volumes.

These face masks we’re donning these days are not only potential life savers but in some cases billboards. Check these out:  “Happy Labor Day. Need Job”, “I’m actually smiling”, A picture of a shark’s mouth and fangs, “Just married”, “Don’t stand so close”. “Under here, George Clooney”

A “very well said” to Jennifer Garner who posted this on Instagram. “ Thank you for the gifts and lessons of this summer. God bless teachers, faculty and administrators as they guide us through this big question mark of a school year. Bless the parents trying to make it all work. And the children who are learning to make the best of things in ways we couldn’t have predicted.”

Christian Tybring is described as “a far right Norwegian law maker”. He’s mentioned here as a person who has nominated Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. We owe Mr. Tybring a debt of thanks. He’s given the rest of the world something to laugh at.

Quote of the week comes from George Conway, husband of the soon to depart the White House Kellyanne, “He actually believes some of this insanity that comes out of his mouth”. Pointing to the Trump head George said,“There’s nothing up here that represents any version of reality or sensible thought.”

If any of the current administration press secretaries are asked to describe their job in four words, they should be “Lie for a while”.


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