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House of Reps has voted to award the U.S. Capitol Police with Congressional Gold Medals following the Jan. 6 riot in Washington.The vote was nearly unanimous, with every Democrat and 194 Republicans voting to award the medals. Twelve House Republicans, however, voted no, the overwhelmingly majority of which was from the South. These ying yangs remain loyal to the former Oval Office occupant who encouraged that horrendous event. Their constituents should remember that when these bozos’ re-election time arrives.

Wanna’ attend opening day at Fenway this season?  Plan to choke as you cough up $303 for a bleacher seat to $431 grandstand and a whopping $1067 to slide your cheeks into a box seat...absurd!  Mucho cheaper, more comfy in your recliner and a lot closer to the bathroom.

Seems a wax Trump figure in a San Antonio museum had to be removed.  Too many scars and bruises where patrons had punched it.

Quote worth noting: Stephen Colbert: “This will be part of Trump’s legacy. He will always be remembered as a hateful man who left a stain not just on the White House pillows, but on our whole society by inviting his MAGA minions to an all-you-can-hate racist buffet.” 

Trump Jr. can never be labeled “classy”. Referencing the recent Biden stumble on Air Force One, seems he tweeted an edited video of dear old Dad repeatedly striking golf balls that hit President Biden on the back of the head, causing him to stumble. Has this yo yo nothing better to do? Twitter should deny his membership as well.

Never until recently have we been daytime TV watchers. Only during the forced stay home time have we tuned in to discover where all the “ambulance chasers” commercials live.

Partying spring break crowds were again forced out of Miami Beach’s streets this past weekend after the city declared a state of emergency fearing a spike in COVID-19 cases. The Mayor and city officials were foolish to open up “The Beach” to crowds of boozing revelers in the first place.

Idle, in disrepair and ignored..That’s the Boeing 757 that highlighted the once glamourous life style of Donald Trump. It now sits abandoned at an Orange County, New York airport. Its cream colored leather seats and 24 –karat gold decorations gather dust while its engines sit with hundreds of thousand of bucks in repairs. 

The federal prosecutor who headed the Justice Department’s inquiry into the Capitol riot says there’s enough evidence that Donald Trump may be criminally responsible. Michael Sherwin says: “It’s unequivocal that Trump was the magnet that brought the people to DC on the 6th.



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